As with anything preparation is key. I’m sure you’ve all heard those sayings such as poor preparation leads to poor performance. So in order to make sure that you are successful when it comes time to list your home it’s going to be important that you are prepared. Just like with anything there are some things that are going to be more important than others. In this article I’m going to go over five of the easiest things you can do to get your house ready to sell in Kansas City.
1. Declutter, Depersonalize, and Stage It
Getting your house ready to sell fast in Kansas City begins, as always, with decluttering, depersonalizing, and staging. These are important preparatory steps that often don’t get the attention they should.
Decluttering is important for two main reasons. “[f]irst, people want to imagine their stuff, not yours, in the room. Second, removing unnecessary items makes the room seem bigger.”
While decluttering, you also need to make sure you depersonalize “by removing [personal] items such as family photos and memorabilia. You want potential buyers to visualize themselves living in your home. They’ll struggle to do this when they’re staring at photos of your family.”
Then comes staging. “It’s important to have your house properly staged for when people walk through. This means arranging your house differently than you might if you were normally living in it.
Because you don’t see a ton of houses every day, it can help to hire a professional stager. This is relatively inexpensive, and the person will be able to consult with you about the best way to lay out your space.”
2. Research the Right Price
Next among the basic things you can do to get your house ready to sell fast is doing the necessary research so that you can price your house right. You must price in line with similar for-sale homes in your immediate area, which is often said to be one of the best marketing tools.
According to industry pros, “[y]ou’ll struggle to sell your home if you don’t first set the right asking price, one that’s not too high or too low for your market. Fortunately, you, or your real estate agent, can do the research necessary to boost your odds of setting the right asking price.”
Of course, you can and should do your own pricing research. A good way to proceed is by studying “comparable properties (you may also hear these referred to as ‘comps’). Comparable properties are homes in your community that are similar to yours. Appraisers look at the sales prices of recent comparable properties to help determine the current market value of your home.”
Your best bet, though, for pricing correctly is to have an experienced Kansas City agent perform a full-blown comparative market analysis. To find out more about this, you can call (913) 708-1185.
3. Make Necessary Repairs and Upgrades
And then to get your house ready to sell, you’ll need to make necessary repairs and upgrades. Just make sure that what you do will actually help you sell faster and yield a good return on the investment.
Here are some of the things that typically promise a good ROI and that you should consider . . .
- Touching up or repainting interior walls
- Making sure kitchen appliances are working properly and replacing them if necessary
- Upgrading outdated bathroom fixtures
- Taking care of any problems with the roof
Again, if you’re not sure what to do, consult a Kansas City agent at (913) 708-1185.
4. Work on Curb Appeal
Also, be sure to work on the outside to get your house ready to sell. And that means primarily improving and enhancing curb appeal because curb appeal creates that critical first impression.
“First impressions are extremely important when it comes time to sell your house. There are the basics, like making sure the lawn is properly manicured. Beyond that, you can take some steps to inexpensively dress things up. To give the house a little life and a pop of color, you can paint the front door in a trendy shade or buy potted plants and other things that you can easily take with you when you move.”
And consider landscaping. Whether you do it yourself or hire it done, landscaping is one of the things that typically yield a good ROI at sale time.
5. Find a Good Kansas City Agent
Finally, one of the best things you can do to help you get your house ready to sell fast is simply to find and work with an experienced, local Kansas City agent.
As we mentioned above, a good agent who thoroughly knows your market can “help with the most important aspect of selling a home – setting the right asking price. If you set your price too high, you won’t receive many, if any, offers. If you set it too low, you might sell your home quickly, but you’ll also reduce the profit you otherwise could have earned. A skilled agent will study other home sales in your area and help you set the right asking price to avoid either of those mistakes.”
The usual process of finding a good agent involves researching, getting recommendations, checking out reviews, and then interviewing prospective agents. It’s a pretty labor-intensive and time-consuming process. But there is an easier and better way to find the agent you need. Just go directly to a premier agency known for its experienced, results-getting agents.
Our team of Kansas City agents can provide the assistance you need. So if you’re looking to get your house ready to sell fast in Kansas City, contact us today at (913) 708-1185.